The 10 Best Barbell Biceps Exercises [1st and 6th are my favourites]

Do you want to build those biceps with only a barbell? Well, we’ve got you hooked on the best barbell biceps exercises.

If you’re ready to take your arm game to the next level, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Welcome to a world where barbells become your bicep-boosting buddies, igniting a fire within your muscles and sculpting arms that command attention.

Prepare yourself for a journey into the realm of the best barbell biceps exercises.

Why should you trust us?

Now I am pretty sure you have this question in your mind…Why us??

Here’s Why:

Our expertise in discussing fitness exercises stems from the experience and knowledge of our team. 

Composed of fitness professionals and experts in exercise science, we provide well-researched and evidence-based information.

Moreover, we stay updated with the latest industry trends, research findings, and techniques to deliver accurate content that you can trust.

We thoroughly research and fact-check the information we present, relying on trusted publications, peer-reviewed journals, and studies from reputable institutions.

In addition, we all are gym enthusiasts(especially me) that have trained for an average of 6+ years and learned the proper form and technique the hard way which has been given on a plate to you.

Furthermore, I would also like to state the fact that I am a big fan of training biceps with these barbell biceps exercises that we will tell you about.

The best barbell recommended by us.

Best Barbell Biceps Exercises

Here is a list of the 10 best barbell biceps exercises.

Related How to clean barbell

Barbell Biceps Curl (my favourite)

This is at the top of the list of best barbell biceps exercises. This exercise works Biceps Brachii, Brachialis and Brachioradialis and the use of barbells rather than dumbbells for curls will help you lift heavier, but dumbbells also work great for bicep development.

Benefits of the Barbell Biceps Curl

Strengthened Biceps: Barbell biceps is a tried-and-true exercise that specifically targets and strengthens your biceps, allowing you to build impressive arm strength.

Muscle Growth: By consistently performing barbell biceps curl with proper form and gradually increasing the weight, you can stimulate muscle growth and develop well-defined biceps.

Versatility: Barbell biceps curl offers versatility in terms of grip width and hand positioning, allowing you to target different areas of the biceps and customize your workout.

Balanced Muscle Development: By focusing on each arm individually, barbell biceps curl help address any muscle imbalances, promoting symmetry and balanced muscle development.

Increased Upper Body Stability: Engaging your core muscles and stabilizers while performing barbell biceps curl helps improve your overall upper body stability and posture.

Time Efficiency: Barbell biceps curl can be easily incorporated into your workout routine, providing a time-efficient way to specifically target and isolate your biceps.

Related: How to do a dumbbell press

How to Do the Barbell Biceps Curl

Here is a 4-step process:

1.Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a barbell with an underhand grip, palms facing upward. 

The barbell should rest against your thighs, and your arms should be fully extended.

2. Keep your upper arms steady and slowly curl the barbell upward by contracting your biceps. 

Focus on the bicep muscles and lift the weight in a controlled manner. Continue curling until the barbell reaches shoulder level.

3. Pause briefly at the top of the curl, squeezing your biceps to maximize the contraction and feel the tension in your muscles.

4. Lower the barbell back down to the starting position with a slow and controlled motion, fully extending your arms.

Pro tips:

1.Maintain a good posture throughout the exercise by keeping your back straight and engaging your core muscles.

2. Avoid using momentum or swinging your body to lift the weight(very important). 

Focus on controlled movements to target the biceps effectively.

3. Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you curl the weight up and inhaling as you lower it down.

Golden tip:

You should make sure when going down towards your thighs that your elbows are fully extended, this maximises the damage in the eccentric motion, hence improving bicep size and strength.

Related: Best dumbbells

EZ Barbell Biceps Curl

This stands as the third best in the list of the best barbell biceps exercises.

The muscles worked in EZ barbell biceps curls are:

Biceps Brachii



Benefits of EZ Barbell Biceps Curl

Bicep Development: EZ barbell biceps curl is highly effective for targeting and developing the biceps muscles, resulting in increased size and strength.

Variation in Grip: The unique wavy or zigzag shape of the EZ bar allows for multiple grip positions, providing variation and targeting different areas of the biceps.

Reduced Wrist Strain: The angled grip of the EZ bar places less strain on the wrists compared to straight barbells, making it a more comfortable option for those with wrist discomfort or limitations.

Engages Forearm Muscles: EZ barbell biceps curl also engages the muscles of the forearm, including the brachioradialis, contributing to improved forearm strength and development.

Versatility: The EZ bar can be used for a variety of exercises beyond biceps curl, offering versatility in your workout routine.

Best EZ barbell

How to do the  EZ Barbell Biceps Curl

Here is a 5-step process:

1.Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the EZ bar with an underhand grip (palms facing upward), placing your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 

Ensure your grip is comfortable and secure.

2. Hold the EZ bar at waist level, allowing your arms to fully extend and keeping your elbows close to your sides. This is your starting position.

3. Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and slowly curl the EZ bar upward by contracting your biceps. 

Focus on squeezing the biceps as you lift the weight. Continue curling until the bar is at shoulder level.

4. Pause for about 1-2s at the top of the curl, squeezing your biceps to maximize the contraction and feel the tension in your muscles.

5. Inhale and gradually lower the EZ bar back down to the starting position, fully extending your arms while maintaining control of the weight. Exhale when taking the bar up

This completes one repetition.

Pro tips:

Maintain a stable stance and proper posture throughout the exercise, keeping your back straight, chest out and core engaged.

2. Avoid using momentum or swinging your body to lift the weight. Focus on controlled and deliberate movements to target the biceps effectively.

Golden tip:

You should make sure when going down towards your thighs that your elbows are fully extended, this maximises the damage in the eccentric motion, hence improving bicep size and strength.

You might wanna check barbell back exercises too.

Barbell Preacher Curl

The muscles worked in barbell preacher curls are:

Biceps Brachii



Benefits of Barbell Preacher Curl

Targeted Bicep Development: Barbell preacher curls isolate the biceps, allowing for focused and targeted muscle development.

Increased Bicep Strength: By specifically targeting the biceps, barbell preacher curls help increase strength in this muscle group.

Muscle Definition: Consistently performing barbell preacher curls can help sculpt and define the biceps, enhancing the aesthetic appearance of the arms.

Reduced Cheating or Momentum: The preacher curl bench provides stability and restricts the use of momentum, ensuring that the biceps are primarily engaged during the exercise.

Isolation of the Biceps: Barbell preacher curls isolate the biceps by minimizing the involvement of other muscles, allowing for a more focused bicep workout.

Injury Prevention: The preacher curl bench offers support and stability, reducing the risk of injury and allowing for proper form during the exercise.

Versatility: The barbell preacher curl can be easily modified by adjusting grip width or using different hand positions, offering versatility and the ability to target different areas of the biceps.

Do you also want to develop an attractive chest by just using a barbell? Head over to our detailed guide on the best barbell chest exercises

How to do the barbell preacher curl

Here is a 5-step process:

1.Adjust the preacher curl bench so that the angled pad is positioned under your armpits when seated.

 Set the barbell on the preacher curl stand at a weight that is suitable for your fitness level.

2.Sit on the preacher curl bench with your chest pressed against the angled pad. 

Extend your arms fully and grip the barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing upward) that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Keep your upper arms flat against the angled pad, exhale and slowly curl the barbell upward by contracting your biceps.

 Focus on squeezing the biceps as you lift the weight. Continue curling until your forearms are vertical and the biceps are fully contracted.

4. Pause for about 1-2 s at the top of the curl, squeezing your biceps to maximize the contraction and feel the tension in your muscles.

5. Inhale and gradually lower the barbell back down in a controlled manner until your arms are fully extended, ensuring that your biceps are fully stretched.

Pro tips:

1.Maintain proper posture throughout the exercise, keeping your back straight and core engaged.

2. Breathe naturally throughout the exercise, exhaling as you curl the weight up and inhaling as you lower it down.

3. Start with a warm-up set using lighter weights to prepare your muscles for the heavier work as this exercise can be challenging(was for me at start!).

4. Use this bench for the preacher curl.

Related Article: How to do the leg curl

Related: the proper way to train glutes

EZ Bar Reverse Curl

The muscles worked in EZ bar reverse curls are:


Biceps Brachii (Long Head and Short Head)


Benefits of EZ Bar Reverse Curl

Brachioradialis Development: EZ bar reverse curls specifically target and help develop the brachioradialis muscle, which is located in the forearm.

Bicep Strength: This exercise also engages the biceps brachii (both the long head and short head), contributing to increased strength in the biceps.

Forearm Strength: EZ bar reverse curls provide an effective way to strengthen the muscles in the forearms, including the brachioradialis.

Grip Strength: The exercise helps improve grip strength as you need to firmly hold the EZ bar throughout the movement.

How to do the  EZ Bar Reverse Curl

1.Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding an EZ bar with an overhand grip (palms facing downward). 

Make sure your grip is slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.

2. Let your arms hang naturally in front of your thighs, fully extended. This is your starting position.

3. Keeping your upper arms stationary and close to your body, exhale and slowly curl the EZ bar upward by contracting your forearms. 

Focus on squeezing the forearms as you lift the weight. Continue curling until the bar reaches shoulder level.

4. Pause for 1-2 s at the top of the curl, squeezing your forearms to maximize the contraction.

5. Inhale and slowly lower the EZ bar back down to the starting position, fully extending your forearms while maintaining control of the weight. 

Moreover, exhale when working your way up to the shoulders. This completes one repetition.

Pro tips:

Start with a warm-up set using lighter weights to prepare your muscles for the heavier work as this exercise can also be challenging.

Related: How do I clean my barbell

Barbell reverse curl

This is one of the most effective barbell biceps exercises.

The muscles worked in barbell reverse curls are:


Biceps Brachii (Long Head and Short Head)


Benefits of Barbell Reverse curl

Improved Forearm Development: Barbell reverse curls target and strengthen the muscles in your forearms, particularly the brachioradialis, helping to enhance forearm size and definition.

Enhanced Grip Strength: Performing the barbell reverse curls challenges your grip strength, resulting in improved overall grip capabilities.

Balanced Muscle Development: By including barbell reverse curls in your routine, you can promote balanced muscle development between the biceps and forearms, fostering overall symmetry in the upper body.

Aesthetically Pleasing Arms: Regularly incorporating barbell reverse curls can help sculpt and define both the biceps and forearms leading to veiny arms which people are crazy about.

How to do the Barbell reverse curl

Here is a 5 step process

1.Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell with an overhand grip (palms facing downward). Your grip should be slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.

2. Let your arms hang naturally in front of your thighs, fully extended. This is your starting position.

3. Keeping your upper arms stationary and close to your body to have maximum bicep engagement, exhale and slowly curl the barbell upward by contracting your forearms. 

Focus on squeezing the forearms as you lift the weight. Continue curling until your forearms are fully contracted and the barbell is at shoulder level.

4. Pause for about 1-2 s at the top of the curl, squeezing your forearms to maximize the contraction and feel the tension in your muscles.

5. Inhale and slowly lower the barbell back down to the starting position, fully extending your forearms while maintaining control of the weight.

Note: Follow the pro tips given before for this too

Are you confused about what length barbell you need? Well then head over to what length barbell do you need to get a detailed answer.

Related: How to do the bench press

Barbell Spider Curl[my second favourite]

I absolutely fall in love when I tried the barbell spider curl as my primary barbell biceps exercises as it puts the biceps under some intense tension and for this reason, this is my second favourite in the list of the best barbell biceps exercises.

The muscles worked are:


Biceps Brachii (Long Head and Short Head)


Benefits of Barbell spider curl

Targeted Bicep Development: Barbell spider curls isolate and target the biceps muscles, allowing for focused and targeted muscle development.

Increased Bicep Strength: By specifically targeting the biceps, barbell spider curls help increase strength in this muscle group.

Muscle Definition: Consistently performing barbell spider curls can help sculpt and define the biceps, enhancing the aesthetic appearance of the arms.

Reduced Cheating or Momentum: The spider curl bench provides stability and restricts the use of momentum, ensuring that the biceps are primarily engaged during the exercise.

Enhanced Muscle Isolation: Barbell spider curls minimize involvement from other muscle groups, allowing for greater isolation of the biceps.

Improved Mind-Muscle Connection: By focusing on the biceps during spider curls, you can develop a stronger mind-muscle connection, leading to better muscle activation and growth.

Versatile Arm Workout: The spider curl bench can be used for various exercises beyond biceps curls, providing versatility in your workout routine.

Reduced Strain on the Lower Back: The position on the spider curl bench helps support the upper body, reducing strain on the lower back compared to standing bicep curl variations.

How to do the Barbell spider curl

1.Adjust the spider curl bench(any incline bench) so that the inclined pad is at a 45-degree angle or even 60 degrees. Set the barbell on the spider curl stand at a weight that is suitable for your fitness level.

2. Position yourself on the spider curl bench, lying face down(you can face up to see in the mirror ) with your chest pressed against the inclined pad. 

3. Extend your arms fully in front of you and grip the barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing upward), slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Let your arms hang naturally in front of you, fully extended. This is your starting position.

4. Keeping your upper arms flat against the inclined pad, exhale and slowly curl the barbell upward by contracting your biceps. 

Focus on squeezing the biceps as you lift the weight. Continue curling until your forearms are vertical and the biceps are fully contracted.

5. Pause for about 1-2 s at the top of the curl, squeezing your biceps to maximize the contraction and feel the tension in your muscles.

6. Inhale as you carefully bring the barbell back to the initial position, fully extending your arms while maintaining control over the weight. 

This signifies the completion of one repetition.

Pro tips:

1.Maintain a stable position on the spider curl bench, keeping your core engaged and your body aligned.

2. Avoid using momentum or swinging your body to lift the weight. Focus on controlled motion

To perform these exercises, you need to make sure that you are cleaning your equipment to prevent any health risks.

Related: The best bench

Barbell Drag Curl

I would do this exercise less often compared to the other barbell biceps exercises like the barbell curls or the spider curl

The barbell drag curl is a compound exercise that works a variety of muscles in the upper body, including:

Biceps brachii



Benefits of Barbell Drag curl

Focused Bicep Development: Barbell drag curls isolate and target the biceps, resulting in focused muscle development.

Increased Bicep Strength: Emphasizing the biceps during drag curls helps improve overall bicep strength.

Defined Muscles: Regularly performing barbell drag curls can help sculpt and define the biceps, leading to a more aesthetic appearance.

Controlled Movement: Drag curls minimize cheating or momentum, ensuring that the biceps muscles are primarily engaged throughout the exercise.

Isolation of the Biceps: By keeping the barbell in close contact with the body, barbell drag curls isolate the biceps and reduce involvement from other muscle groups.

Improved Range of Motion: Drag curls offer a wider range of motion compared to traditional curls, resulting in enhanced muscle activation and growth.

Emphasis on Brachialis: Barbell drag curls put additional focus on the brachialis muscle, located beneath the biceps, for a well-rounded arm development.

Practical Strength: Strong biceps developed through drag curls contribute to better performance in activities that involve pulling or lifting.

How to do the Barbell drag curl

Here are 4 steps  on how to do a barbell drag curl:

1.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.

2. Grip the barbell with an underhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Slowly curl the barbell up to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides.

Pause for 1-2s at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.

4..Inhale  as you carefully bring the barbell back to the initial position(working against gravity)

Related :How to do the Lat pulldown

Wide-Grip Curl

The muscles worked are:


Biceps Brachii (Long Head and Short Head)


Benefits of Wide grip curl

Targeted Bicep Development: Wide-grip curls specifically target and engage the biceps, leading to focused bicep muscle development.

Increased Bicep Strength: By emphasizing the biceps during wide-grip curls, this exercise helps increase overall bicep strength.

Enhanced Muscle Definition: Regularly performing wide-grip curls can help sculpt and define the biceps, resulting in improved muscle definition.

How to do the wide grip curl

Same as the normal bicep curl just hold the barbell with a grip wider than shoulder-width 

Barbell Hammer Curl

The muscles worked are:


Biceps Brachii (Long Head and Short Head)


Benefits of Barbell hammer curl

Comprehensive Arm Development: Hammer curls target the biceps brachii (both long head and short head) as well as the brachialis, resulting in comprehensive arm development.

Forearm Strengthening: Hammer curls engage the forearm muscles, including the brachioradialis and wrist flexors, leading to increased forearm strength.

How to do a barbell hammer curl

1.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Grip the barbell with an underhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 

Your palms should be facing each other.

2. Slowly curl the barbell up to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Your palms should remain facing each other throughout the movement.

3. Pause at the top of the movement for 1-2 s, with the barbell at chest height.

4. Inhale and lower the barbell slowly back to the starting position. Exhale when working against gravity

Unilateral Landmine Curl

The muscles worked are:

Forearm muscle

Biceps Brachii 


Benefits of Unilateral Landmine Curl

Unilateral Arm Development: Unilateral landmine curls target and develop each arm individually, helping to address any strength imbalances between the left and right sides of your body and trust me I have been a victim of this situation and this exercise helps a lot with it.

Enhanced Bicep Isolation: This exercise focuses on isolating the bicep muscles, allowing for targeted muscle activation and development.

Improved Stability and Core Engagement: Performing unilateral landmine curls requires you to stabilize your body and engage your core muscles to maintain proper posture and balance throughout the movement.

Increased Range of Motion: The landmine setup allows for a greater range of motion during curls, enabling deeper muscle contraction and stretching of the biceps.

Reduced Stress on the Wrists: Unlike traditional dumbbell curls, the landmine curl places less strain on the wrists, making it a suitable alternative for individuals with wrist discomfort or limitations.

How to do the Unilateral Landmine Curl

1.Position a barbell into a landmine attachment or securely anchor one end of the barbell in a corner or a landmine base.

2. Slide weight plates onto the other end of the barbell to add resistance.

Start with a manageable weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.

3. Stand facing the landmine with your feet shoulder-width apart. 

Moreover, position yourself close to the landmine so that the barbell is centred in front of your body.

4. Reach down and grip the barbell with an underhand grip (supine grip), with your palm facing up. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart 

5. Now by keeping your core engaged and your back straight, lift the barbell off the ground or out of the landmine attachment.

Position your arm: Extend your arm fully so that it is perpendicular to the ground and parallel to your body. This is your starting position.

6. Slowly curl the barbell upward while keeping your upper arm stationary. Focus on contracting your biceps to lift the weight.

When your forearm is fully contracted, pause and squeeze your biceps for a brief moment. This maximizes muscle activation.

Slowly lower the barbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, maintaining tension on your biceps.

Pro Tip:

Keep your elbow close to your body and avoid using excessive momentum to lift the weight.

Related: Best stability ball exercises

The perfect barbell biceps exercises

The exquisite barbell biceps exercises plan from my and my team’s personal experience keeping in mind muscle growth and strength gain is:

4×10 barbell biceps curl

4×10 EZ barbell biceps curl

4×8 spider curls

3×8 barbell preacher curls

Biceps workout at home

Let me guess you only have a barbell and want to take your bicep development to the next level. Well, we got just the plan for you:

4×10 barbell biceps curl

4×10 EZ barbell biceps curl

3×10 barbell hammer curl

3×8 wide grip curls

Golden tip:

Don’t perform the sets to complete failure instead leave 1-3 reps in the tank. Numerous studies have shown a greater result as it causes less fatigue and enables better form throughout the workout

Bicep training essentials

Here are 10 essential tips that I and my team learned over 6 years of experience and the only way to the biceps you dream of

Prioritize Progressive Overload: To stimulate muscle growth, gradually increase the weight you lift over time. 

Progressive overload is essential, I can’t stress it enough. If you don’t do progressive overload your gains will surely stall

Vary Your Grip: Experiment with different grip variations during bicep exercises to target your muscles from various angles.

 Alternating between an underhand (supine) grip, overhand (pronated) grip, and hammer grip can help engage different parts of the biceps and forearms.

Incorporate Eccentric Training: Eccentric training focuses on the negative or lowering phase of an exercise. 

For biceps, this means controlling the descent of the weight during a curl and it’s neglected by even experienced lifters.

Eccentric training can induce muscle damage and promote hypertrophy. Slowly lower the weight over 2-3 seconds, emphasizing the eccentric portion of the movement.

Include Isolation Exercises: While compound movements like barbell curls are effective, don’t overlook isolation exercises that specifically target the biceps.

Exercises like dumbbell curls and preacher curls isolate the biceps and allow for a greater mind-muscle connection.

Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on feeling the contraction in your biceps during each repetition. 

Visualize your biceps working and consciously squeeze them at the top of the movement. 

This mind-muscle connection can enhance muscle recruitment and the overall effectiveness of your bicep training.

Train with Proper Form: Maintain proper form throughout your bicep exercises to maximize muscle activation and prevent injuries. 

Avoid swinging the weights, relying on momentum, or using excessive back or shoulder movements. 

Keep your core engaged, elbows steady, and focus on controlled, deliberate movements.

Don’t Neglect Rest and Recovery: Newbies just start going to the gym every day for a week and end up stopping their training due to fatigue.

Adequate rest and recovery are crucial for muscle growth and preventing overuse injuries. 

Allow at least 48 hours of recovery time for your biceps between intense training sessions. This ensures that your muscles have time to repair and grow stronger.

Consider Pre-Exhaustion Techniques: Pre-exhaustion involves performing an isolation exercise (e.g., dumbbell curls) before moving on to a compound exercise (e.g., barbell curls). 

This technique fatigues the targeted muscles before engaging other assisting muscles, providing a deeper and more focused bicep workout.

Implement Supersets or Drop Sets: This you can implement after some bicep workouts.

Supersets involve performing two exercises back-to-back without rest, targeting the biceps from different angles. 

Drop sets involve progressively reducing the weight as you reach fatigue, allowing for maximum muscle exhaustion.

Stay Consistent and Patience: Lastly, building well-defined biceps takes time and consistency. 

Stick to a regular training schedule, progressively overload your muscles, and be patient with your progress. Results will come with consistent effort and dedication.


Should you do 2 or 3 bicep exercises?

 The number of bicep exercises depends on your goals and schedule. Both 2 and 3 exercises can be effective. 

Beginners or those with limited time can focus on compound movements like barbell curls and chin-ups. 

If you have more time, add an isolation exercise like dumbbell curls.

How to increase biceps size?

To increase biceps size, focus on targeted exercises like barbell curls and dumbbell curls. Gradually increase the weight you lift and incorporate a variety of rep ranges. 

Ensure adequate rest and recovery, follow a balanced diet, and consider techniques like volume training and eccentric training.

Are 4 exercises enough for the biceps?

Four exercises can provide a good stimulus, but quality matters more than quantity.

Moreover,  choose exercises that target the biceps effectively and allow for proper form. 

Consider factors like volume, intensity, and recovery to ensure a balanced training program.

Should I hit biceps every day?

 It’s generally not recommended to train the biceps every day. Allow at least 48 hours of rest between intense bicep workouts.

 Listen to your body, watch for signs of fatigue, and adjust your training frequency accordingly. Consulting with a fitness professional can provide personalized recommendations.

How long do biceps take to grow?

Bicep growth time varies among individuals. It generally takes weeks or months of consistent training and proper nutrition to see noticeable results. 

Factors like genetics, training intensity, and diet influence the rate of growth. Patience and commitment are key to achieving desired bicep growth.


Now that you exactly know what to do to get your dream biceps by only using a barbell, you are left with no option but to hit the gym get on a bench and get rid of those skinny or fat arms that have always been an embarrassment using these barbell biceps exercises. SO HIT THE GYM NOW AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES.

About me

Hi, I am Abdullah, a guy whose passion for fitness led to his bachelor’s degree in exercise science, for me what started as a personal fascination soon transformed into a professional career. Over the last six years, I have had the privilege of guiding and supporting numerous individuals on their own fitness journeys. Whether they were beginners taking their first steps into the gym or seasoned athletes aiming to break their personal records, I have been there every step of the way, providing personalized training programs tailored to their unique needs and goals.

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