The perfect butterfly chest exercise:[Form, Benefits, Alternatives]

butterfly chest exercise

Ready to get that chest popping and turn some heads at the gym? Let’s talk about the butterfly chest exercise! It’s a killer move that’s loved by gym-goers of all levels. Picture this: a chest like a butterfly’s wings – firm, impressive, and balanced.

With this exercise, we’re breaking it down step by step, so you’ll know exactly how to do it and see awesome results.

Whether you want more upper body strength, better posture, or a chest that makes everyone take notice, the butterfly chest exercise is your go-to. Let’s dive into it and get you that chest you’ll be proud to show off!

About me

Hi, I am Abdullah, a guy whose passion for fitness led to his bachelor’s degree in exercise science, for me what started as a personal fascination soon transformed into a professional career. Over the last six years, I have had the privilege of guiding and supporting numerous individuals on their own fitness journeys. Whether they were beginners taking their first steps into the gym or seasoned athletes aiming to break their personal records, I have been there every step of the way, providing personalized training programs tailored to their unique needs and goals.

How to do the butterfly chest exercise

Step 1: Set Up

To kick things off, start by setting the resistance level on the chest fly machine or picking the right dumbbells to match your strength.

Step 2: Seating Position

Next, take a seat on the bench, making sure your back rests firmly against the bench’s backrest. Plant your feet on the ground, keeping them about shoulder-width apart.

Step 3: Grip the Handles

Reach out for those handles on the machine or grab a dumbbell in each hand. Your palms should be facing each other, and your elbows should have a slight bend in them.

Step 4: Starting Position

Now, extend your arms forward with the handles or dumbbells in your hands. This is where you begin.

Step 5: The Movement

As you inhale, start opening your arms out to the sides in a smooth, controlled motion. Remember to maintain that slight elbow bend.

Step 6: Full Contraction

Continue opening your arms until you feel a nice stretch in your chest muscles. That’s the fully contracted position. Exhale as you do this part.

Step 7: Return to Starting Position

Gently bring your arms back together, exhaling as you do so. This completes one repetition.

Step 8: Rep count

Now, go ahead and repeat this exercise for your desired number of reps and sets. Typically, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps will do the trick.

Golden Tips:

Concentrate on using your chest muscles to move the weight, not your shoulders or arms.
Keep the pace slow and controlled throughout to fully engage those muscles and avoid injuries.
Maintain a slight bend in your elbows at all times; don’t lock them. Keep your chest out
Lastly, use a weight that challenges you but doesn’t compromise your form.

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Butterfly chest exercise benefits

Here are 7 benefits of the butterfly chest exercise:

Chest Muscle Shaping: The butterfly chest exercise is fantastic for giving your chest muscles that sculpted and well-defined look, it’s like chiselling out the perfect chest shape.

Balance in Muscle Growth: Unlike some workouts that can make your chest look lopsided, the butterfly exercise works all parts of your chest evenly, ensuring a balanced and symmetrical appearance.

Increased Chest Strength: If you’re looking to boost your overall chest strength, this exercise is a solid choice.

Better Posture: Do you often catch yourself slouching? This exercise can help you stand tall by strengthening your chest and pulling your shoulders back, contributing to improved posture.

Focus on the Chest: Some exercises involve multiple muscle groups, but this one zeroes in on your chest muscles, making it great for concentrated chest development.

Adaptable for Everyone: Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned gym-goer, you can tailor this exercise to your fitness level. Adjust the weight and reps to fit your needs and goals.

Mind-Muscle Connection: It encourages a strong connection between your brain and chest muscles. You’ll really feel the burn, and that’s a good thing when you’re working out!

Common butterfly chest exercise errors

Here are 6 common errors:

Lifting Too Heavy: One big slip-up is trying to show off by lifting way too much weight. It might feel cool, but it’s a shortcut to bad form and potential shoulder strain so start with a weight you can handle properly and work your way up gradually.

Cutting Corners with Motion: Not going through the full range of motion is a common error. Some folks don’t bring their arms close together during the squeezing part or don’t stretch them wide enough during the opening. This means you’re missing out on the exercise’s full benefits. Remember, full stretch and squeeze are the keys here.

Bad Back Posture: Keeping a lousy posture is a big no-no. Arching your back or lifting your hips off the bench can mess up your form and even hurt your lower back. Therefore, keep your back flat against the bench and your feet solid on the ground.

Momentum Over Muscles: Some folks use momentum to move the weight instead of relying on their chest muscles. It’s like swinging your arms or jerking the weight – not good. Make sure you focus on slow, controlled movements to really engage those chest muscles.

Breathing Blunders: Breathing in the wrong rhythm can mess up your groove, breathe in as you open your arms and breathe out as you bring them together. This helps you stay in control and steady.

Hand Placement Errors: Placing your hands too high or low on the handles or dumbbells can throw off the whole exercise. Stick to shoulder height for your hands to hit the right spots in your chest.

Related: Best full body stability ball exercises

How to do butterfly chest exercise with dumbbells

How to do butterfly chest exercise at home

Other great chest exercises

  1. The bench press
  2. Dumbbell bench press


Everyone desires to have an attractive chest that gives them confidence and the butterfly chest exercise plays a massive role in achieving this goal.

So, stop making excuses, get up and get going with the ultimate chest builder!

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