How to use leg curl machine properly to get big legs[All variations]

leg curl machine

Welcome to the exciting world of fitness! Have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed when you stepped into the gym and saw all those strange machines? One machine that might have caught your attention is the leg curl machine.

It’s a popular no noise tool for working on your leg muscles and getting those solid and toned legs you’ve always wanted.

Whether you’re a gym regular or just starting out, don’t worry. This article is here to help you understand everything about how to use leg curl machine! We’ll break it down in simple terms, so you can confidently use the machine, get rid of the anxiety that everyone is making fun of you and get the best results for your legs.

So, let’s get started on this leg-curling journey together and make your workouts more effective and enjoyable!

With our easy-to-follow tips and guidance, you’ll be mastering the leg curl machine in no time, and those leg muscles will thank you for the extra attention

How to use leg curl machine/seated leg curl machine/ hamstring curl machine for leg curls

How to set up leg curl machine?

Step 1: Adjust the Machine

Approach the leg curl machine and adjust the seat height so that your knees are aligned with the pivot point of the machine as this ensures proper form and reduces the risk of injury.
Moreover, adjust the leg pad so that it rests just above your ankles. Make sure it’s comfortable and secure.

Step 2: Starting Position

Sit on the machine with your back flat against the backrest and your feet flat on the ground.
Now, grasp the handles on the sides of the seat to stabilize yourself.

Step 3: Curling Motion

Exhale and slowly lift your legs by bending your knees, bringing your heels towards your glutes. Focus on using your hamstrings to initiate the movement. Keep your upper legs flat against the leg pad throughout the motion.
Furthermore, hold the fully curled position briefly, squeezing your hamstrings for maximum contraction.

Step 4: Lowering the Weight

Inhale and slowly lower the weight back to the starting position in a controlled manner also don’t let the weight drop too quickly, as it can strain your muscles and joints.

Step 5: Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 8 to 12 repetitions in each set. Start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable. FORM IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Complete 2 to 3 sets of leg curls, with a brief rest (about 1-2 minutes) between each set.

Pro tips:

Avoid using excessive momentum or swinging your legs during the exercise. Maintain a slow and controlled motion throughout.

Moreover, if you experience any discomfort or pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult a fitness professional or a healthcare provider.

In addition to this, remember, it’s crucial to warm up before using any exercise machine and to stretch your leg muscles after your workout to prevent stiffness.

Complete the set until you are 1-3 sets short of failure, don’t go to full failure as it affects performance in the remaining sets and doesn’t provide any extra muscle growth

Incorporate leg curls into your leg day routine regularly to strengthen and tone your hamstrings effectively. Happy leg curling!


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How to use lying leg curl machine

lying leg curls

Of course! Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use the lying leg curl machine for leg curls:

Step 1: How to set up lying leg curl machine

  • Start by adjusting the machine to fit your body. The lying leg curl machine usually has a lever that allows you to set the appropriate leg pad height. Adjust the pad, so it rests just above your ankles, ensuring a comfortable and secure position.

Step 2: Position Yourself

  • Lie face down on the machine with your chest flat against the pad and your legs fully extended. Make sure your knees are just off the edge of the bench and your feet are free to move.

Step 3: Grasp the Handles (Optional)

  • Some lying leg curl machines have handles or grips on the sides. If available, you can hold onto these handles to stabilize yourself during the exercise.

Step 4: Curling Motion

  • Take a deep breath and contract your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thighs) to bend your knees.
  • Exhale as you curl your legs towards your glutes, lifting the leg pad by bending your knees. Focus on using your hamstrings to perform the movement and avoid using excessive momentum.

Step 5: Squeezing at the Top

  • At the top of the movement, when your legs are fully curled, squeeze your hamstrings for a brief moment to maximize the muscle contraction.

Step 6: Lowering the Weight

  • Inhale as you slowly and in a controlled manner, lower the leg pad back to the starting position, fully extending your legs.

Step 7: Repetitions and Sets

  • Aim to complete 8 to 12 repetitions in each set. Start with a weight that allows you to maintain proper form and gradually increase the weight as you progress.
  • Perform 2 to 3 sets of leg curls, resting for about 1-2 minutes between each set.

Pro Tips

  • Avoid using jerky or fast movements during the exercise. Maintain a slow and controlled motion throughout.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the exercise immediately and consult a fitness professional or a healthcare provider.
  • Complete the set until you are 1-3 sets short of failure, don’t go to full failure as it affects performance in the remaining sets and doesn’t provide any extra muscle growth

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Leg curl machine benefits

There are 10 benefits of using the leg curl machine

Strengthening Hamstrings: Leg curls primarily work the hamstring muscles, which are located on the back of your thighs and strengthening these muscles helps improve leg stability, balance, and overall lower body strength.

Balanced Leg Development: Leg curls isolate the hamstrings, ensuring they receive focused attention during your workout which helps in achieving balanced leg development, especially when combined with exercises that target other leg muscles like quads and calves.

Injury Prevention: Strong hamstrings are essential for preventing injuries, especially in athletes and it provides stability to the knee joint and help protect against strains and tears during various physical activities.

Improved Athletic Performance: Leg curls can enhance your athletic performance by improving leg power and explosiveness and this is beneficial for activities like sprinting, jumping, and sports that require rapid leg movements (telling from personal experience).

Aesthetic Benefits: Targeted hamstring training can contribute to sculpting well-defined and toned legs, giving your lower body a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Muscle Activation: Leg curls effectively isolate the hamstrings, ensuring they are properly activated during your workout. Therefore, this focused activation can lead to better muscle engagement and more effective muscle growth.

Joint Support: Strengthening the hamstrings can also provide added support to the knee joint, reducing the risk of knee-related issues, especially in individuals with weak or imbalanced leg muscles.

Varied Workout Options: Leg curl machines often come with adjustable settings, allowing you to perform different variations of leg curls, such as single-leg curls or seated leg curls, adding versatility to your leg day routine.

User-Friendly: Leg curl machines are relatively easy to use, making them suitable for individuals of various fitness levels, from beginners to experienced gym-goers.

Isolation Exercise: As an isolation exercise, leg curls minimize the involvement of other muscle groups, allowing you to focus solely on your hamstrings without overloading other leg muscles.

Common errors in performing leg curls

There are 10 common mistakes people make when performing this exercise. Being aware of these mistakes can help you avoid them and get the most out of your leg curl workout. Here are some common errors to watch out for:

Using Momentum: Swinging or using momentum to lift the weight can take the focus away from the hamstrings and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Instead, maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout the entire range of motion.

Rounding the Back: Arching or rounding your back during leg curls can put unnecessary strain on your spine and decrease the engagement of the hamstrings. Keep your back flat against the machine’s pad and maintain proper spinal alignment.

Incorrect Machine Setup: Failing to adjust the leg curl machine properly to fit your body can lead to improper form and potential discomfort. Ensure the seat and leg pad are adjusted to your height, so your knees align with the pivot point and the pad rests just above your ankles.

Neglecting Full Range of Motion: Avoid cutting the leg curl short by not fully extending your legs or not curling them all the way up. Perform the exercise through its complete range of motion to engage the hamstrings fully.

Lack of Mind-Muscle Connection: It’s essential to focus on the muscle being worked (hamstrings) and concentrate on contracting them during both the lifting and lowering phases of the exercise.

Using Excessive Weight: Too much weight can compromise your form and increase the risk of injury. Start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper technique and gradually progress as your strength improves.

Overlooking Eccentric Control: The lowering phase (eccentric) of the leg curl is just as crucial as the lifting phase (concentric). Control the weight as you lower your legs back to the starting position rather than letting it drop too quickly.

Not Breathing Properly: Failing to breathe correctly can hinder your performance and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Inhale during the lowering phase and exhale during the lifting phase to synchronize your breath with the movement.

Hyperextending Knees: Locking out your knees at the top of the movement can place stress on the joint. Instead, maintain a slight bend in your knees throughout the exercise.

Neglecting Warm-up and Stretching: Skipping warm-up exercises and post-workout stretching can lead to muscle stiffness and increase the risk of injury. Always warm up before leg curls and stretch afterwards to maintain flexibility.


Are leg curl machines effective?
Answer: Yes, leg curl machines are effective for targeting and strengthening the hamstrings. They isolate the hamstring muscles, helping to improve leg stability, balance, and overall lower body strength.

Where do you put your legs on a leg curl machine?
Answer: When using a leg curl machine, position your legs on the leg pad so that it rests just above your ankles. Adjust the machine’s settings to fit your body, ensuring your knees align with the pivot point for proper form.

How many leg curls a day?
Answer: The number of leg curls you do in a day depends on your fitness level, goals, and overall workout routine. It’s generally recommended to include 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions in your leg workout, with a brief rest between sets.

Are leg curls better than squats?
Answer: Leg curls and squats are both beneficial exercises, but they target different muscle groups. Leg curls primarily focus on the hamstrings, while squats work the quadriceps, glutes, and other leg muscles. Including both exercises in your routine can lead to more comprehensive leg development.

Is it good to curl every day?
Answer: It’s not recommended to do leg curls (or any strength training exercise) every day. Muscles need time to recover and repair after a workout. Aim for 2 to 3 leg workouts per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to optimize muscle recovery and growth.


In conclusion, the leg curl machine is a valuable addition to any leg day workout routine, offering numerous benefits for strengthening and sculpting the hamstrings. By following the proper steps and techniques, you can make the most of this exercise and achieve your fitness goals effectively.

So what are you waiting for go buy the leg curl machine right now at Amazon and get the legs you always dreamed of.

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About me

Hi, I am Abdullah, a guy whose passion for fitness led to his bachelor’s degree in exercise science, for me what started as a personal fascination soon transformed into a professional career. Over the last six years, I have had the privilege of guiding and supporting numerous individuals on their own fitness journeys. Whether they were beginners taking their first steps into the gym or seasoned athletes aiming to break their personal records, I have been there every step of the way, providing personalized training programs tailored to their unique needs and goals.

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